Time Travel
Time travel has been a popular topic for science fictions, films & TV series for decades. Before going to the time travel topic we should understand what is meant by the time. While most people think of time as a constant, physicist Albert Einstein showed that time is an illusion. Einstein's theory of special relativity says that time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. According to most of the scientist travel into the past is probably impossible. Even if it were possible, Hawking and others have argued that you could never travel back before the moment your time machine was built.
The easiest and most practical way to get to the far future is to go fast. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, if one were to leave Earth in a spacecraft travelling at an appreciable fraction of light-speed, turn around and come back, only a few years might have passed on board but many years could have gone by on Earth. This is known as the “twins paradox” since a traveler undertaking such a journey would return to find herself much younger than her twin. Another way is using gravity. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the stronger the gravity you feel, the slower time moves. As you get closer to the center of the Earth, for example, the strength of gravity increases. Time runs slower for your feet than your head. General relativity also allows for the possibility for tubes or conduits or short-cuts through space-time, known as wormholes. Even if any natural wormholes were formed in a big bang, they would collapse very quickly and would only be suitable for very small particles. Also, scientists haven't observed these wormholes yet. Also, the technology needed to create a wormhole is far beyond anything we have today. There are also some methods like cosmic strings, suspended animation, Infinite cylinder. But none of these methods are proven by scientists.
Here are some interesting time travel stories.
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